
How to use Adiuvet for free

Welcome to Adiuvet!

On this page we will show you how to use any Adiuvet license for one month for free with no commitment. You can take your time to experience all its benefits and we are sure you will love it but, if you want, you can unsubscribe before the deadline and pay nothing!

Let’s start with the basics: are you registered? If not, please do so by clicking here. It is quick and easy; it will take you less than three minutes.

Well, now log in from here and proceed by selecting the license that is right for you from the page with “All licenses” where you will also find a handy comparison table. Are you still undecided? Then take a look at the “Professionals” and check what type of veterinarian you are; next you will see which license best fits your goals.

Add the license to the cart and proceed with the purchase. The system will ask you for some necessary data, such as credit card information, and will signal that the first month is free. When the procedure is finished, Adiuvet will immediately create your virtual clinic in the management system and notify you of your confidential credentials.

Remember: at any time during the first month you can access your private area of the website and unsubscribe by pressing the “Delete Account” button. This way you will not be charged anything.

If you are happy to continue with us, you don’t have to do anything. When the first month expires, you will conveniently be charged the monthly fee on your credit card.

And, for the future, you can always close your subscription from one month to the next if you decide so. We are so convinced in the goodness of our product that we give you absolute freedom of choice because we count on earning your trust by demonstrating the usefulness of Adiuvet day by day, not by contractually binding you!

Uso gratuito licenze
gestionale veterinario free

There is another opportunity to use Adiuvet for free. If you are a member of an Adiuvet partner association or organization, you are entitled to have a coupon that allows you to use the FREE license for an entire year.

In this case follow the web address given by your association, add the FREE license to your shopping cart and proceed with your purchases. When paying, introduce the discount code you will have already received and your virtual clinic is ready for you right away!

At the end of the year you can decide whether to withdraw at no cost or upgrade to another license by paying the periodic fee.