Your focus is on saving paper to help the environment (and your business)! That is why you have decided to adopt all the solutions that can help you reach this goal.
Save time to store and retrieve important documents that your customers have signed and you have archived.
Choose the graphometric signature to eliminate paper, save time and money.
The graphometric signature is an electronic signature process, a digital document with which it will be easier to sign digitally:
- privacy acceptance
- quotations acceptance
- patient discharge
and all documents that your customers have to sign (with a handwritten signature) and that you have to store.
The graphometric signature is an advanced electronic signature with full legal value, maximum security and protection of personal data.
All that you need is a tablet on which Adiuvet displays the document to be signed, as if it were an actual paper document.
The signature is placed, at any time, on the tablet screen using a special pen.
Together with the activation of this feature, you will need to purchase one or more of the following certified tablets:
For the graphometric signature, the same rules apply as for the signature on a paper document and
can easily be integrated with a possible substitute storage procedure.