Toggle[Important note: this article has been automatically translated from the original Italian language.]
There are about 7200 veterinary facilities in Italy excluding freelancers. Most of them are on Facebook and do more or less regular activity.
How then to stand out? Let’s look at some useful tips.
How to stand out on Facebook as a veterinarian
Personalized and clear brand image.
The first thing you need to do to be visible, memorable and distinguishable is to have a strong identity.
This is very important as our brains work by stereotypes.
The user on Facebook (as on any other social), scrolls through his cell phone very quickly and stops only when he is struck by something interesting and relevant to him, or because he recognizes something he identifies with, that intrigues him, or that satisfies a need of the moment.
Whatever the reason that makes him stop and look, it takes him very few seconds to decide whether he knows you or not.
Think about this:
Santa Claus with reindeer pulling the sleigh, the music says, “I would like to sing along with you, a choir in merriment…all sing along with me…” what advertisement is this?
Yes that’s right Coke.
Great brands get recognized because they always present themselves in the same way with a strong, unique identity, memorable precisely.
It’s not that you have to be like Coca Cola, but if you can create your own personal communication, with:
- images always with the same filter,
- always written in the same colors,
- maybe a concluding sentence, always the same,
you will be able to be more easily recognized and remembered.
Try looking at these profiles
Remember that even on Facebook you can use a few #‘s: create your brand’s #.
If then this identity is also reflected in the colors of your facility (greens, signage, signs, etc.) that’s when the game is even better.
Put your face on it
Which brand is stronger than your person or your staff? Taking photos or videos in which people can be seen has a twofold advantage because it allows:
- to new possible customers to recognize you offline, reassuring them
- to your customers to see you and cheer for you!
You will be amazed to see how much enthusiasm the people you helped show.
They will follow you with confidence and spread your initiatives and posts.
Optimize the page
Have all the correct information:
- enter the address
- all services
- references to your site
- schedules and beyond
allows people to find you more easily, not only if they know you, but also if they search by type of service.
So remember to always include meaningful words for your audience so that they can find you, even through your posts.
This is also part of Seo for social channels.
Be regular in publications
Do you ever follow a television series? If you’re used to (or accustomed to, it also applies to boys eh) following the episodes on that particular day, you’ll be hurt if they don’t broadcast it afterwards.
On the other hand, if they did not always publish at the same day and time, they would not create the habit.
Here, then, is why creating weekly columns creates ahabit in people to come and follow you and seek you out.
You could also, for example, get people used to a live broadcast every first of the month.
Look for a niche
However small they may be, the groups of people interested in a particular breed or species who have an interest in a sport with an animal are always and still large enough to be considered useful to your business.
Imagine if you could intercept 200 people with athletic sledge dogs and verticalized on communication regarding their athletic training including their nutritional needs.
If all 200 came to your clinic, wouldn’t you have a drastic increase in turnover?
It would mean having them in your care for years-think about it.
To find your niche you can also help with business intelligence tools.

How to stand out as a veterinarian with other social channels?
If you want to stand out as a veterinarian, you could leverage channels that colleagues are still unaccustomed to using.
Let’s see which ones:
- TikTok – are beginning to appear there as well, but most fear it (unfairly).
Sign up and understand the mechanism.
Research your competitors and see what has worked for them; you can take inspiration and then strike your own balance. - LinkedIn – using this social network to reach out to end customers means being able to intercept a segment of people with a higher level of communication (not always eh, but often this is the case).
In this social you can search for niche customers and give them no-frills, useful and authoritative information, always in a language that is clear to them.
And then remember, even managers have a pet and a family, they are always, first and foremost, people. - Pinterest – the social network beloved by the female audience, can be used to share your articles, photos and videos.
If you have a niche of people who (for example) attend expo, you will certainly be appreciated.
Well, in conclusion, in this article we have seen how you can stand out on social channels as a vet, but remember one thing: be yourself and don’t think you have to make up the moon.
If you propose things that then people will not find in your Clinic or Outpatient Clinic, it will be useless and counterproductive.